Formation  /  Vocation

Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi (FSF)



The call to consecrated life is a response to divine mystery. Mystery implies constant turning up to God, searching and listening to God. Like the little Samuel in the temple one who is called need someone like Eli, to go to in order to know and identify God’s calling and voice.

The process of formation is the process of discernment, of constantly looking and choosing that is in line with God’s will and follow it, while disregarding that which is opposed to God’s will. This art of discernment we learn from Christ Himself because he went through it in his own life on earth. Christ declared,


“My food is to do the will of my Father”


elsewhere He even rebuked Peter who tried to dissuade him; He reacted “get behind me Satan…..”, in the desert the devil tried the same tricks but Christ stood by God’s will.

Formation by its nature is challenging and, therefore, can be unpleasant (it is a narrow way of walking) but very rewarding for those who persevere.  Formation requires accompaniment, companionship on the journey: Jesus Christ pulled around Himself about 12 men as his companions. We too are accompanied in all stages of formation; however by at least one or two people: a formator and a spiritual director. The stages of formation are as follows:


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Vocation Promotion: In his Founding Letter, our Founder made it a standard that any girl who aspires consecrated life, must be healthy body, mind and soul and has reached adolescence. From this standard set by our Founder we do consider any applicant who has reached 17 years of age up to age 30.

Proof that one is a baptised, confirmed catholic; Certificates can be requested from one’s Parish Priest.
Level of education with the minimum of Grade 12, standard 10 and other –
Medical certificate
Recommendation Letter from Parish Priest
At other level our Founder set another standard of suitability to pursue this life:
a girl – Who is sincere and honest – Who is willing to learn to live in peace with all – Of good reputation (with a good name) – Who delights in God’s affairs – Who is content with possessing essentials of life

For further inquiries you may contact the Vocation Director at or phone 076 469 3387


Formation Team

There is a team that is responsible for the formation process. Their role is to ensure continuity and integrity of purpose in the formation process. They do so by keeping in mind the Charism and vision of the fraternity, the goals of each stage of the formation process, the directives of the Church and the world situation (Con. 50).




Pre- Novitiate Phase composed of:  

  • Come and See Stage – for at least one year
  •  Aspirancy Stage- for one year ; a stage for those who have been taken in to view consecrated life a bit closer
  •  Postulancy Stage-  for one year in preparation for novitiate



Novitiate Phase:  for 2 years


Post Novitiate Phase:   

Temporary Profession Stage

  •  Living the three evangelical counsels on renewable vows for 5 years.


Final Profession:

That means committing oneself for life to God through the evangelical counsels of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience.

On-Going Formation Phase:

 Formation is life long:  and it continues till death; however, at this stage a sister herself takes initiatives to look for companionship and other spiritual nourishments. The congregation through its leadership provides opportunities for every sister to grow in spiritual life and in developing as a fully integrated person. Education and skills training are given to those who can acquire them. That is done in the spirit and aim of glorifying God in our lives through our ministries.